Saturday, January 30, 2010

House For Sale

We have a signed contract on a new house. We are super excited but at the same time we are incredibly sad to leave our home. We are also too exhausted to celebrate. Our house will go on the market on Tuesday, February 2nd. We have been scrambling trying to get it ready.
We need everyone's prayers that ours sells really fast. I am still not sure how I am going to keep the house clean and get three kids and two dogs out of the house every time someone wants to see it. Afterall it takes me 20-30 minutes just to get the girls into socks, shoes, coats and their car seats. Now add getting the dogs and scrambling around and cleaning up. I am exhausted just thinking about it. And wouldn't you figure that we never have fixed the darn DVD player in the car.
Pray! Please, please pray!

Friday, January 22, 2010

if you must know...

This whole house shopping thing can really break a man.


Great Quote

So I (daddy) was eating some soup and crackers for lunch today.
Brianna came up and - because she's a natural born leader - demanded one. Here's the exchange:

"Give me a cracker."
"Brianna, ask nicely. What's the magic word?"
"Please... { pause}...NOW...{pause}...DO IT!!!"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Quotes of the Week

So Dan and I have started looking for a bigger house. However we have only actually looked at a couple of houses. My two favorite quotes from the girls this week relate to that.

Mia: "Daddy this house is so dirty" and

Brianna: "Mommy after my nap we go look at more houses with Ms. Sharon?"

The apples are not falling fall from the tree. :)


The Little Dan

I sent Dan downstairs to clean up the basement and next thing I know he is putting his old little league jersey on Hadley. Brianna was very disturbed by how big it was on Hadley. But as you can tell Hadley didn't mind.

Gotcha Girl

Yesterday, January 20th was the 2 year anniversary of Mia's Gotcha Day. We celebrated by going out to Mexican. Mia loves Chinese food and we would like the tradition to be to go out to Chinese but right now we needed the chips and salsa to entertain the girls while waiting.

Anyway, Mia we can't believe 2 years has already flown by. We love you and are so blessed that we can call you "Mine".

Love Mommy and Daddy

Friday, January 1, 2010

burning the 8:00 oil...

Untitled from Elise Deeble on Vimeo.

We began what we hope will be a 20-year New Year's Eve Tradition with The G's....pancake and slumber party!