Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mia's List

Daily Mia says and does things that amaze me. She knew all her letters by the age of 2 and recently she has earned all her numbers. Probably from Dora the Explorer I must sadly say. She loves to point out numbers wherever we are: grocery store, Target, etc.

One more background point is that Dan's schedule at work has been crazy and he hasn't been home much due to the capital campaign the church recently launched. We girls are really doing way better with it than we thought we would but we are starting to feel his absence.

Well yesterday Mia grabbed a sermon print out of Dan's that had 7 numbered points on the middle of the page that were highlighted in yellow. I sat down on the couch to take a momentary rest from madly cooking and cleaning for a party. Mia saddled up next to me on the couch and preceded to read her list to me. I can't remember how she started the whole thing but here was her exact list and you have to picture her saying "number 1, number 2 in front of each one".

#1. I love my daddy. I really don't want him to go
#2. I love my mommy too its really true
#3. I love my blankie
#4. I like my blankie
#5. I like to go on the swing set with daddy
#7. I love my daddy

Absolutely priceless!!!!!


pam said... sweet

YvetteC said...

Just surfing your blog as it had been months since I've seen photos and so great to see your girls growing up! They are all so beautiful! Love the list!!