Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Amazing What $2.06 Can Buy These Days

This will not come as a shock to most of you guys but the older Deeble Girls are going to have a Pottery Barn Kids Christmas. And their gift is the gift that keeps on giving. This little video is of the "house" that Mommy made for them. That is right, Mommy made it not Daddy.

Thanks to a Pottery Barn recall on their wooden hammock stand, Mia and Brianna got a card board box house and will be getting a kitchen set for Christmas all for $2.06. Desperate measures for desperate times.


pam said...

Oh this is wonderful. So fun to hear little girl giggles. Ours are out of the house and I do miss those sounds.

YvetteC said...

Way to go Mommy the carpenter! Great little Pottery Barn House!