ready to start swim lessons, heaven help us.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My Birthday Present
My biggest challenge is FOLDING LAUNDRY. So the consultant in me finally analyzed the situation and realized that I was wasting so much time and did not have an efficient process. But now....Wa La.
No more piles and piles of clean laundry in the family room or our bedroom. Rod, brackets and shelf are compliments of Home Depot and the wall cubbies are Ikea.
My first Ikea purchase and I am IN LOVE. So are Brianna and Mia. The girls can't wait for their cubby to have clean clothes in them so that they can take them to their room. I also (all done with birthday money) got a wall mount ironing board. Brianna asks me almost daily how old does she have to be before she can iron.
If only I could somehow bottle up this 3 year old enthusiasm so when they are 13 they can't wait to put their clothes away and iron. A girl can dream.
First Time Bowling
- Mia quote "Mommy I just want the ball to go faster and I just want to get better"
- Bri - 9 times out of ten didn't even look to see how many she knocked down. She just threw her ball then went back using the handrail as a microphone
- Hadley by the end did NOT want ANY help (what a shock)
So Fun!!!
Untitled from Elise Deeble on Vimeo.
Untitled from Elise Deeble on Vimeo.
Untitled from Elise Deeble on Vimeo.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Wicked Witch of the West Is....
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Healthy Again
Thursday, February 10, 2011
She Hates Chocolate but Loves Brownie Batter!!!
Our Dogs New Life
And the Trend Continues.....
- Tues: School cancelled due to snow
- Tues: Hadley got sick
- Thurs: Mia got sick and still no school due to snow
- Thurs PM: Elise spent night at friend's house while their youngest was admitted to Children's Mercy hospital with croup (best night sleep in a long time). Friend's little one now fine.
- Sun: Brianna got sick
- Mon: Mia got sicker
- Tues: Spent 2 hours during nap time at pediatricians with all THREE girls in 6x6 room
- Tues: Spent rest of evening trying to recover from foul mood
- Wed: Mia diagnosed with strep
- Wed: Took Bri to be tested for strep
- Thurs: Hadley threw up in sleep
- Still waiting on Bri's backup strep results
- Yet another week of no preschool and a typical Winter with the Deebles*
* Honestly thankful that minor illnesses are our only complaint. We are truly blessed.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Deeble January Review
- Jan 1 - Fri Jan 14: Blur of sick kids, sick parents, snow days, missed stuff
- Jan 14 - Jan 16: Elise's Sisters and nieces visit. A little plumbing, a little tiling, a little sledding, a little sleep and a LOT of sick kids and sick adults.
- Jan 16 - Jan 21: Elise stuck in house for 6 days straight. Serenity Now!!!
- Jan 22: Elise OUT OF THE HOUSE!
- Jan 22: Elise and Brianna spend 4 hours (8pm to midnight) at Children's Mercy Urgent Care. Diagnosis-ear infection, eczema and sinus infection
- Jan 24 AM: Hadley to doctor. Diagnosis-sinus infection
- Jan 24, Noon: Elise to doctor. Diagnosis: sinus infection
- Jan 24, PM: Dan to doctor. Diagnosis: sinus infection
- Hundreds of dollars later. Four happier drugged Deebles
- Jan 25 AM: Girls finally healthy. Elise rejoicing. Preschool!!!!
- Jan 26: Woo hoo. Girls all out at Mother's Together and Kids Together
- Jan 28: Nana and Poppy visit. Deebles do inaugural babysitting swap with Swobs.
- Jan 29: Dance class, birthday party
- Jan 30: Elise and girls back to church, flying high, all girls healthy, life back to normal
- Jan 31st: Hadley back to doctor. Diagnosis - dislocated arm (sister ). Popped back in
- Feb 1 AM: Elise back to crying. 12+ inches of snow, preschool canceled
- Feb 1 PM: Hadley wakes up from nap burning up with fever
- Here we go again.