Tuesday, October 7, 2008

pray for mia

Hadley is doing awesome - we've just been discharged. Brianna is bouncing around the house, happy as can be. But Mia is not doing so hot. She appears to have reverted back to the early days of when we first brought her home - clingy, cranky, uncertain.

I had to rush home early this morning and take her to Children's Mercy Urgent Care because she was experiencing severe abdominal pain again. All tests were inconclusive but we're going to meet with a gastrointestinal specialist next to see if we can get to the bottom of it.

But, in the least, she's experiencing the perfect storm - her parents are gone, lots of new faces are around the house, she's getting over a rough virus (104 temp/rash/etc), has a loss of appetite, and is extremely exhausted. So we're eager to get home and bring some normalcy and routine back into her sweet world.

We'll write more at a later date but please pray for her especially and for Hadley's introduction to her big sisters.

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